MFP Fellow Research Projects

Each Doctoral Fellow is engaged in scholarship that connects their clinical and research interests. All Doctoral Fellows must complete a research project that is approved by the MFP. Each research project will align with SAMHSA’s strategic objectives and satisfy the mission of the AAMFT Foundation. This webpage is dedicated to the scholarly publications of our MFP Fellows. The MFP cheers on the Fellows as they are adding much scholarly work to the field of Marriage and Family Therapy.

2023 Fellow Research Projects

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Service and Scholarship

Chimnemerem Neal, MS, NCC, LMFT - Examining the Co-Occurrence of PTSD and Substance Abuse on Emotional Closeness
Caleb Cuthberson, MS, NCC - The Gun Violence Survivor, The Family and Substance Use Outcomes

Science and Culture

Briana Roberts, MS, LMFTA, - Telehealth Services as a Viable Healthcare Option for Black Singlemothers
Justin Carnate . - Role of Childhood trauma in the experiences of miliitary personnel and veterans

2022 Fellow Research Projects

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Service and Scholarship

Anthony Pennant, PhD - Is Structural Family Therapy an appropriate family-based model to alleviate anxiety in families who have children with autism spectrum disorder?
Melinda Murdock, MS., LMFT-A - “Alcohol Keeps Me at Ease” Stress, Coping, and Substance Use Among College Students

Science and Culture

Jessica Simpson, MS, - Tobacco Use of American Indian Children in Child Welfare
Michael Chen, M.Div. - Collective Trauma Analysis and Sub-group Variation for Asian Americans

2021 Publications

Main List Here

Featured in the MFP Times

Service and Scholarship

Brandon Hollie, PhD - Examining Paths Between Neighborhood Characteristics and the Impact on Mental Health and Relationships in the Black Community: Black Cultural Strengths as Moderators
Debbie Manigat, MS - Shifting Perspectives, Saving Lives: Infant Mental Health Training & Professional Development in Family Therapy to decrease Black Infant Mortality
Debra Miller, MA  – Core Therapist Skills Supporting the Implementation of Evidence Based Practices with Severe Emotionally Disturbed Children in Community Mental Health Settings: A Mixed Method Delphi Study

Science and Culture

Carmen Gray, MA - “I Smoke. I Drink. I’m Supposed to Stop, But I Can’t.” An Examination of Potential Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Alcohol and Marijuana Usage in Black LGB Youth
Cameron Hee, MS - Examining the Associations Between Ethnic Identity, Self-Worth, and Mental Health Status, along with the Moderating Role of Racial Discrimination for Polynesians
Alicia McCray, MS - Analyzing the Systemic Influences of Culinary Therapy utilized within Families as they Survive Substance Abuse

2020 Publications

Main List Here  

Featured in the MFP Times

Service and Scholarship

Dr. Tyrone Grandison, DMFT - A Clinical Perspective on Utilizing Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) with Adolescent Males Committed to the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
Jennifer Torres, PhD(c), MS - An Evaluation of a Term- Limited Housing Assistance Program

Science and Culture

Dara Herbert, MA - Intersection of Historical Trauma and Attachment among Black Women Who Use Substances
Brandon Hollie, MS - Neighborhood Disadvantage and the Impact on Mental Health in the Black Community
Dr. Natria Staats (Mullet), PhD, MA, - The Role of Family Cohesion and Cultural Identification as Moderators of Sexual Assault and Substance Use: A Multiple Groups Analysis

2019 Publications

Main List Here  

Featured in the MFP Times

Service and Scholarship

Maxine Notice, MA, - Interracial Couples’ Utilization of Relational Therapy: An Introduction to Our Future

Science and Culture

Lawrencia Jenkins, MA, - It Starts with Us: Marriage and Family Therapists’ Perceptions of Working with First-Generation College Students
Mazie Zielinski, MA, - The Interaction of Readiness to Change and Locus of Control on Family Functioning: A Longitudinal Study of Family Member Recovery

2018 Publications

Main List Here  

Featured in the MFP Times

Service and Scholarship

Leslie Anderson, MS, - Beyond the Therapy Room: MFT’s Views Towards Providing Therapy in Community Settings

Science and Culture

Dara Winley, MA -Examining the Role of Parent’s Social Provisions on Parental Validation and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms
Silva Leija, MS and Anike Adekoya, MA, - Mental Health Services Engagement & Racial/Ethnic Minority Women in College: A Brief Online Intervention

2017 Publications

Main List Here

2016 Publications

Main List Here

2015 Publications

(list coming soon) 

2014 Publications

(List coming soon)

Pre-Expansion Publications

2013 Publications
2012 Publications
2011 Publications
2010 Publications
2009 Publications
2008 Publications