Application Information for the Minority Fellowship Program-Youth

The AAMFT Foundation Minority Fellowship Program is open to all master's level students in Marriage and Family Therapy programs. This webpage is the official application webpage for the AAMFT/MFP-Youth Fellowship. Please take a moment to read the application information thoroughly. Please note the MFP Application is completely online. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to apply. All MFP Applicants will be notified via email of the final application decision no later than June 30 of the application year. There can only be one application per applicant that will be accepted for the MFP.

MFP Masters Fellowship Experience

Follow the above link to learn more about the professional development, training and mentorship experience, diversity, and the life-changing experience that Fellows have had during their year in the MFP Fellowship program.

MFP Application Important Information

  • Applications will open on December 1, 2023
  • Application Deadline: February 26, 2024 11:59PM EST (8:59PM PST, 6:59PM HST) 
  • Only complete applications will be considered. (Click the "submit" button)
  • All required recommendation information must be provided by the deadline (You can access the MFP-Y Recommendation Form on FluidReview).
  • Do not mail in hard copies of your application, documents attached to your application, recommendation forms, etc. as they will not be accepted.
  • Do not email in copies of your application, documents attached to your application, recommendation forms, etc. as they will not be accepted.
  • Unofficial transcripts and other supplemental documentation are required to complete this application.
  • You will have the option to save your application and continue it at a later time via an access link sent to the email address you provided.  Once you have started the application, you can find the “save and continue” option located at the top of the application page.
  • Review the information below and follow the "Apply Now" link to launch the MFP online application.

Application Webinar Dates:
During the MFP Application season the MFP program staff host virtual engagements that will allow applicants, faculty, and recommenders to connect with the program and ask pertinent questions to the application and fellowship. Through webinar format of 60 minutes the MFP staff will answer all questions that will arise. Please take the opportunity to connect with us during the below four (4) opportunities.

SAMHSA Requirements

Fellows will be required to sign a letter of commitment attesting that they will work for a period of two (2) years in a capacity that addresses the behavioral health needs of racial and ethnic minority populations

*Eligibility requirements for MFP awards are defined by SAMHSA. The program is not limited to individuals from minority populations; however, SAMHSA does prioritize individuals from the following communities: African American, Alaska Native, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander. SAMHSA’s priority population decision is based on the documentation of significant mental health disparities within these communities and the SAMHSA-identified strategy of increasing the number of individuals representing these communities in behavioral health education, therapists, and leadership. This priority is considered when there are applicants with equivalently strong results to the review process. In that case, those applicants who meet the SAMHSA priority are chosen.

MFP Application Important Dates

  • Application opens December 1, 2023
  • Application Deadline: February 26, 2024

MFP-Masters (Youth) Fellowship Application Contents

MFT Identity

“The MFP defines a training program as having an MFT identity if the program is clearly identifiable as training MFTs who have a relationally/systemic philosophy that is multiculturally- informed, and ethically competent, and the program’s mission, goals, outcomes, and curriculum substantially reflect the Professional Marriage and Family Therapy Principles (PMFTPs).”

Applicant Demographics

  • Provide all the requested demographic information in this section. It is important that you provide accurate contact information as it will be used as a means to contact you regarding your application.
  • Select an appropriate Ethnicity/Race category and answer all questions related to race, ethnicity, language, and disability. These questions will not be used in the application review process as a basis for selection.
  • Select an appropriate US Residency Status.

Application Type

Indicate the MFP Fellowship to which you are applying:
  • MFP-Y Fellowship - For applicants who meet eligibility requirements for this Fellowship.

Recommendation Letters

  • Choose whether or not to send recommenders the required form initially or later in the MFP application.
  • Required recommender information includes their name and primary email address. Ensure that selected recommenders are the people most familiar with your academic accomplishments and/or experiences that demonstrate your ability and interest in pursuing a masters in a regionally accredited marriage and family therapy program. If you are in a masters program, one of your letters will need to come from your advisor. Your recommenders will be provided the AAMFT MFP Recommendation Form via the email address provided in this section.
  • Recommenders can also access the recommendation form through the application portal.
  • Individuals providing recommendation letters are asked to fill out all required sections in the AAMFT MFP Recommendation Form, including an uploaded letter and updated CV/resume. (A cautionary note: Missing recommendation letters account for most incomplete MFP applications! Start early working diligently with your recommenders to get them in on time).
  • Please notify your recommenders that the AAMFT MFP Recommendation Form must be submitted before the application deadline to be considered. Additionally, this application form must contain their recommendation letter and updated CV/Resume. Failure to complete the application specifically as requested and submit materials specifically as requested will result in your application NOT being reviewed.

Number of recommendations required by application type:

  • All MFP-Y Fellowship Applications = 3 Recommendations.

Academic Information

  • Select your current program type.
  • Provide your undergraduate, Master's and PhD program information including the dates attended and degree type you attended for at least a full academic year within the last 10 years. You must include your current institution. If you are currently enrolled in an institution listed, the “date attended to” field should reflect the expected date of your graduation/matriculation. Date format: mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Must be enrolled as a Full-time Student.

Masters Program Information

  • Provide the required information on your masters program (University name, Department, City, State, etc)
  • Be sure to outline your year in your program at the time of this application.
  • Indicate your Masters Degree Type. If "Other" is selected please explain in the space provided.
  • If not currently enrolled in a masters program, indicate if you have applied or intend to apply for admission to a masters program.
  • Outline when you expect to earn your Master's degree, and whether you plan to continue studying at your current academic institution. If you do not plan to continue studying at the university you indicated then please provide the name of the academic institution where you plan to continue your MFT studies.

MFP-Y Essays

  • This is the most important part of your application. You will need to write two brief essays. Essay #1 should focus on your specific training interests, service areas, and career goals. Essay #2 should focus on your choice of university, training program, and advisor/mentor, and how your choice relates to minority mental health or your specific training interests and career goals.
  • Essay I - The major goals of the MFP-Y are to increase the availability of culturally competent mental health services provided to racial and/or ethnic minority children, adolescents, and individuals in transition to adulthood (16-25), as well as to other underserved populations. Describe how your training, service interests, and career goals will contribute to these objectives. This is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your area of interest and describe how you will contribute to the mental health well-being of ethnic minority youth and underserved populations in the US. In your essay, you should discuss your current interests in marriage and family therapy and/or other areas of mental health and detail your related experiences and training to date. You do not have to be an expert in your particular area of interest, but you should certainly impart some sense of enthusiasm or commitment to that area, as well as an understanding of basic issues. Be sure to reference SAMHSA's strategic plan when providing your response (***Limited to 4500 Characters, including spaces).
  • Essay II - Please write an essay which describes why you selected the program you are now attending, or to which you are applying. You also should provide a rationale for your choice of advisor or mentor at your institution. Identify specific faculty, resources, and training available to you which will provide you with training relevant to minority youth mental health service provision, or the specific training interests and career goals you described in your "training interests and career goals" essay. Your essay should make a convincing argument that you will receive training related to minority mental health treatment and that your advisor (or the faculty you would like to work with) has the resources and expertise to guide you in this area. Be sure to reference SAMHSA's strategic plan when providing your response (***Limited to 4500 Characters, including spaces).

Research/Services Areas of Interest

  • Identify general area of research/service interest (up to eight) from the list provided.
  • Identify populations you have you either a)work with on a regular basis in a clinical setting or b) include as a focus in your research (past, current or future research).

Supplemental Information

Provide a copy of your curriculum vita/resume
  • A curriculum vita/resume is a short account of one’s qualifications, training, career experiences, publications, professional presentations, etc.
Attach copies of your unofficial transcripts for all academic programs indicated in this application
  • Upload unofficial transcripts for any college/university you attended for at least a full academic year within the last 10 years. You are only required to upload unofficial transcripts for application purposes. Official transcripts are only required if you have been selected to be a Fellow.
Graduate Exam Scores
  • Upload photocopies of your GRE scores to the MFP application.
  • While GRE scores are not used to select Fellows, they help us evaluate the effectiveness of our selection criteria, and the relevance of these scores to successful graduate school completion. Note that the GRE is not required for this Fellowship.

Honors and Awards

  • Provide the required information on any publications, honors and awards, clubs, associations, paid or volunteer experiences and conference presentations. All responses to this section should be in APA style.

Applicant Agreements

  • The MFP requires that recipients verify their willingness to receive supplemental training in substance abuse treatment, prevention, cultural competence and mental health treatment for children, adolescents, and individuals in transition to adulthood (16-25). In addition, all Fellowship recipients must verify that they are available to attend the MFP orientation,  AAMFT Annual Conference and other mandatory trainings provided during the Fellowship year.
  • For more information please visit the MFP homepage and the AAMFT Website.

Application Submission Review

  • You will be provided with a recap of all the important contact information you provided in your application.
  • On this page you will be given a chance to return to the first page of the application and make edits to your application.


Apply Now!